Cathy O'Leary
20 Sept 2016
Researchers made the discovery while solving the death of a four-month-old Scottish baby
A team of Perth researchers have linked a faulty gene to the deaths of seemingly healthy children whose hearts suddenly stop.
The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research made the discovery while solving the baffling death of a four-month-old Scottish baby who suffered cardiac arrest and died.
With the permission of the parents who were expecting their second child, a doctor sent the baby’s DNA to the Perkins Neurogenetic Diseases Laboratory in the hope of finding disease-causing genes.
Researcher Gina Ravenscroft said they found two variants in a gene called PPA2 that could have caused the condition in the baby, but there were no other known patients with the variants.
A few months later genetics researchers at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research in Paris found two families with similar cardiac death and mutations in PPA2.
The teams then worked to find a genetic screening test for babies possibly at risk.
Dr Ravenscroft said the Scottish family had recently sent the DNA of their second child for screening, which revealed he had only one of the gene variants.
“To get the disease you need two copies and he’s only carrying one so he won’t get the disease,” she said. “The screening test has also helped a family who lost two sons from sudden cardiac arrest linked to PPA2.
“Their two other children were screened and found to have two copies of the mutation, so they have been fitted with implantable defibrillators. If their heart stops, the defibrillator will support their heart.”